Pool installed May, 1991
Recently while walking in the Burlington mall, I saw a display for Gibraltar pools. I took a brochure and brought it home; not because I was going to purchase one but rather because I already own one. You see, my Gibraltar pool is over 17 years old and still looks as beautiful as the one in the brochure. I believe that the Gibraltar pool is not only the most beautiful above-ground pool on the market but also the very best in quality.
This pool does EVERYTHING Gibraltar says it will do. From the day it was installed over 17 years ago, it has been a joy to own and has worked so well, year after year. Virtually trouble-free, it truly does clean itself and looks so lovely in my yard. The liner is gorgeous and is excellent quality – my first liner lasted 12 years! Despite all of the hot summers, flooding spring rains, and the harshest winters here in Massachusetts, this pool comes through each and every season with flying colors. I could not be more satisfied.
Everyone who is interested in purchasing an above-ground pool should look no further than Gibraltar. As I look at my pool today, after 17 years, I am reminded of all the happy times my children had in it when they were growing up. It was installed before my youngest was born and now he is graduating high school. Life has brought many changes to our lives over the years but our pool has remained something that we could count on and enjoy year after year. I am also reminded of how my dear mother used to love coming over on summer days and she would always remark about how lovely the pool was. Now ill with dementia and no longer able to visit, she will not see the pool again, but I tell her that the pool is open and is as beautiful as ever. I believe she understands.
Thank you, Gibraltar, for such an excellent pool and for providing my family with over 17 years of happy memories.
Deb P. Proud Gibraltar Pool Owner for 17+ years.